How to be confident when it comes to Public Speaking?


Public speaking may seem daunting, but with some basic skills, you can improve your ability to speak in front of a large audience. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Know Your Audience

Research on the people who are going to hear your presentation so that it can help you understand what you are going to say relevant to your audience.

People usually don’t listen to bore speeches that are straight words. People often find descriptive stories with morals hidden in them more captivating. Its one of the best ways to make them understand your point of view.

Know your material

Its necessary not to fake what you say or else your speech merely becomes lifeless, and people will lose interest.  Instead, try to have grasp on the topic that you are going to deliver and be confident and speak in a way that assures your credibility. In this way you would be able to engage your audience and it will uplift your personality.

Prepare the topic in the best possible way, consult different resources for preparation. When you have thorough knowledge, you deliver it in a natural way and that’s a plus point.

At the end, its always good to take questions. Its completely normal not to have answer to everything. Don’t get confused. Simply say that you would like to research on the asked question more so that you can give a precise, balanced answer. In this way, you would be able to tackle the situation in a good way.

Grab Attention

The first thing that you need to do is to give a powerful introduction in 60 seconds. The introduction should be given in such a powerful and enthusiastic way as to grasp the attention of the audience. for instance, you can ask a thought-provoking question or striking quote that directly shifts the audience attention toward you.

Acknowledge our audience innovate so that you seem like a real person that invites your audience to real meaningful conversation meaningful conversation the most important thing when it comes to deliver something is humor depending on the audience and the topic is the most effective way that helps to involve your audience in your addressing session so these are the few things that should be kept in mind while delivering something on the stage. In this way you would be able to deliver the best of yourself.

Breathing Pattern

One most important thing that most public speakers work on is their voice pattern public speakers have such powerful voice that list such a powerful impact in the minds of people and in this way, they are successful in delivering their message.

Diaphragmatic breathing helps to generate powerful voice. This technique is mostly used by professional singers that help support their singing voice. Therefore, practicing diaphragmatic breathing also reduces speech anxiety. This type of breathing controls the following aspects of your voice

  • Tone (quality)
  • Pitch (high or low)
  • Volume

Use Effective Body Language

Body language is the non-verbal way of communication. The combination of facial expressions, hand movements, gesture-all these convey the message popping up in the mind. People use body language to clearly explain what they are going to say. Body language is something that can be learned. Practicing it makes confident body language that will fuel the presentation. Following points should be considered while practicing body language:

  • Stand up straight.
  • Confident body posture.
  • Be facially expressive.
  • Use hand and body movements to prove a point.

Make Powerful Eye Contact

Its necessary to make eye-contact with the audience. By making eye-contact, they feel themselves to be in the vicinity of the message that you are trying to deliver. Moreover, it shows sincerity, honesty and empathy.

Speak Slowly

Speaking style effects your overall message. If you talk too fast, it will show that you are nervous, or you have not prepared well, and it will become hard for the audience to grasp the concept. If you talk slowly, your audience will soon get exhausted. Therefore, its necessary to maintain a balance, talk in a way as to emphasize on the objective of your presentation so that it can be articulated clearly.

Short Pauses

After delivery a powerful thought, take short pauses so that the audience can ponder over the said thing for better understanding. Meantime, it will allow the person to think about what he is going to say in the next few minutes.

Try not to use filler words like umm, ahh, it will sound more unprofessional and distract the audience, thereby affecting credibility. Instead, take pauses that exist naturally.

Ask for the Feedback

After delivering your message/ speech or presentation, make sure to ask feedback from audience. You can do this by either distributing a short survey or simple asking anything you need to improve on. The feedback answers will help you to make amendments.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The utmost thing one should highly focus on is to practice what he is going to say in a public gathering. As it is a well said quote:

“Practice makes a man perfect”

If you keep practicing, you will eventually become good at it. It will help you becoming more confident.


Public speaking is daunting experience for most people who suffer from stage fear. But facing your fear is the ultimate goal. By practicing above mentioned points, you would be able to sound more confident and it will help you sound naturally.