10 Freelancing Ways to Make Money in the Modern Era



Over the past few years, freelance work has skyrocketed. In fact, there are now more freelancers than ever before—freelancing in 2018 accounts for 34% of the U.S. workforce, up from 33% in 2016! What’s more, freelancing has also become much more accessible to anyone who can do the work; it doesn’t require any special skills or degrees (though those can certainly help). The best part is that there are plenty of ways to earn money as a freelancer. Here are some examples of ways you can freelance and make money in the modern era!

Use your content management system (CMS)

In today's digital world, a freelancer's most important tool is their content management system (CMS). A CMS allows you to create, edit, and publish content on your website or blog. Plus, a CMS can help you keep track of your clients and projects. Here are 10 ways you can use your CMS to make money in the modern era

  • Offer website design services
  • Create an online store with e-commerce plugins
  • Become a web developer by learning coding languages like HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL
  • Build social media pages for businesses with tools like Hootsuite 
  • Develop creative videos for marketing purposes with tools like iMovie
  • Sell items from your e-commerce store using sites like Etsy or eBay
  • Create tutorials and guides for customers to reference on your site or YouTube channel 
  • Offer print-on-demand services for people who need printed documents but don't want to pay high prices 
  • Rent out space in your studio using Airbnb or rent out studio equipment using Share Grid
  • Offer writing services

Become a graphic designer

In the modern era, there are many ways to make money freelancing. One way is to become a graphic designer. Graphic designers are in high demand, as businesses need someone to create visuals for their products or services. If you have a creative eye and are skilled with design software, then this could be a great option for you. To get started, you can create a portfolio of your work and market yourself to potential clients. You can also join online platforms that connect freelancers with businesses, such as Fiverr or Upwork. With some hard work and dedication, you can build a successful freelance career as a graphic designer. As you progress through your career, it's important to take time to reinvest in yourself by continuing to learn new skills and techniques. Read books on graphic design, attend workshops, or seek out mentors who can help guide you through the process. Along with becoming better at what you do, it's also important to manage your finances wisely so that you're able to pay all of your bills on time each month. Be sure not spend more than necessary on expenses like coffee drinks and dinners out - try cutting back on these expenses first before making cuts elsewhere!

Be an editor

Editing is a great way to make money freelancing, and there are a number of ways you can do it. You can work as a copy editor, which involves proofreading and editing for grammar, punctuation, and style. You can also work as a developmental editor, which involves providing feedback on content and structure. There are also opportunities to work as a line editor, which focuses on ensuring that each sentence is effective and flows well with the rest of the text. Lastly, you can be an executive editor who has ultimate authority over all aspects of production from writing to design. Whether you're interested in freelance or full-time positions, these different types of editing jobs can provide some opportunities for those looking to get into this field. Copy editors will have the most job openings with 20,350 expected by 2024. In contrast, only 390 people are expected to have job openings as a senior editor during that same time period. The median salary for editors and writers was $51,620 in 2017 according to PayScale, but rates will vary depending on what type of editorial services you offer.

Promote products and services on social media

In today's digital world, one of the most effective ways to freelance and make money is by promoting products and services on social media. This can be done by creating social media accounts dedicated to promoting your work, or by simply using your personal account to share your work with others. Here are some tips for how to get started -Focus on a niche product: What kind of product or service do you want to promote? Focus on a specific niche so that you don't spread yourself too thin.

-Create an authentic persona: If you're going to promote products and services through social media, it's important that you create an authentic persona for yourself. You want people to feel like they know who you are when they see your content because this will help them trust what you're saying about the company that you're promoting.

-Choose which platforms best suit your needs: As a freelancer who promotes their own products and services through social media, it's important that you choose which platforms best suit your needs.

Write reviews online

In today's digital world, there are many ways to make money freelancing. One way is to write reviews online. This can be done by setting up a blog and writing about products or services that you have used. You can also sign up for sites that pay you to write reviews. Another way is to create a YouTube channel and review products or services on video. This is a great way to reach a larger audience and get paid for your opinion. Finally, you can also review products or services on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. This is a great way to connect with potential customers and promote your work. For example, if you post a photo of an item you purchased at Nordstrom and tag them in it then they may share it which could lead to more people following their account. Alternatively, if they reply back and ask questions about what they should buy next then this could lead to other people following your account because they trust Nordstrom's recommendations over yours. 

Sell stuff on Amazon

You can make money by selling stuff on Amazon. You can start by finding things around your house that you no longer need or want and listing them on Amazon. You can also source products from friends, family, and local businesses. Once you have a few products listed, you can start promoting your Amazon store through social media and other online channels. Amazon will charge commissions for items sold plus they'll charge storage fees for products that are not moving. You'll be responsible for packaging and shipping the product which is one more expense. So if you're going this route, be sure to factor these expenses into your pricing.

One thing I don't like about this approach is it's difficult to sell one of these products when I already have so many of them on my shelves. It's hard to keep track of what sells and what doesn't, too! Plus I don't know what people are looking for anymore because there are so many options out there now!

Become a technical support specialist

Technology has become such a integral part of our lives, and with that comes a demand for those who are tech-savvy. As a technical support specialist, you would be responsible for providing assistance to customers who are having issues with their devices or software. This could include anything from providing step-by-step instructions over the phone, to diagnosing and resolving complex problems. The average salary for a technical support specialist is $52,000 per year, and the demand for these positions is expected to grow by 11% over the next ten years. If you have a passion for technology and helping others, then a career as a technical support specialist may be the perfect fit for you. On top of all the benefits of freelancing, like being your own boss and setting your own hours, this job also offers a median salary of $52,000 per year! Plus, it's predicted that there will be an 11% increase in jobs available for this position in the next 10 years. Not only does being a freelance technical support specialist give you control over your schedule, but the median annual income is around $52,000.

Start writing code online

In today's world, there are more opportunities than ever to make money as a freelancer. You can start writing code online for companies or individuals who need it. This is a great way to get started because you can work from anywhere and set your own hours. Plus, you can often get paid more for your skills as a freelancer than you would working a traditional 9-5 job. Writing code isn't your thing? No problem! There are many other ways to make money on Upwork. I recently wrote about 10 freelance jobs that pay really well so check that out if you're interested! The digital era has revolutionized how we live our lives. From browsing for dinner recipes to applying for jobs, most of us do everything digitally now. With this lifestyle change also comes new challenges with earning an income without having a traditional full-time job (and all the benefits that come with one). The good news is that there are plenty of options available to help you meet your needs as a freelancer and make some money while doing it! In this post, I'll share some popular freelance work opportunities such as programming, teaching online courses, translating texts and editing documents among others. Remember - these don't have to be just side hustles either - you can do them all at once!

Transcribe recordings online

In today's modern era, there are many ways to make money freelancing. One way is to transcribe recordings online. This can be a great way to make money, as it is relatively easy and does not require much time or effort. Plus, you can work from anywhere with an internet connection. Here are some tips on how to get started 

  1. Find transcription jobs by searching for transcription jobs online; 
  2. Complete tasks that need to be completed quickly and accurately; 
  3. Put together your resume, profile information, and portfolio of past projects; 
  4. Show employers that you have skills that they need; 
  5. Build up a customer base by going through various sites such as PeoplePerHour or Upwork. 
  6. Check out the Transcribeme website for more help and advice. 
  7. Stay updated with Transcribeme's social media pages to learn about upcoming changes, trends, and events within the field. 
  8. Share any content related to transcription that interests you via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, etc., so others may see it! 
  9. Seek out mentors who will provide guidance during your journey into this new field. 
  10. Follow your own passion! The more passionate you are about what you do, the better chance of success you will have! 

Become a coach or mentor

In today's world, there are many opportunities for those with special skills or talents to share their knowledge with others through coaching or mentoring. You can find clients by searching online job boards, contacting local businesses, or networking with other professionals in your field. As a coach or mentor, you can help people learn new skills, advance their careers, and achieve their goals. Plus, you can set your own hours and work from anywhere. Mentors often get paid more than coaches because they typically have more experience. For example, someone might pay $150 per hour for a 30-minute phone call with an experienced business consultant who could provide feedback on how to improve their business practices. But not everyone wants to be a life coach; it takes time and energy to develop this type of expertise and build up your client base. For some people, being able to work independently is worth the time investment, even if they're making less money per hour than an experienced life coach might charge.